Saturday, February 22, 2020

Pasta Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pasta - Essay Example Considering that pasta is made from healthy items like wheat and corn and that it is relatively cheaper, â€Å"total U.S. consumption rose 0.4 percent by volume, according to The Nielsen Co (cited in The Associated Press). With the inflation speeding up through out the American grocery stores a few years back, pasta suddenly became the top priority of American public concerning food. Chief executives of many pasta companies in US claim that the way sales of other goods got reduced, pasta sales did not reduce as commodity prices jumped up which shows that American people certainly do not know what to do without pasta (Twiddy). Availability in a wide variety of attractive shapes makes pasta a favorite item of the American cuisine presently. Nutritional value, great taste, and economical value majorly contribute to pasta’s popularity in America. According to the American Pasta Report, â€Å"77% of the 1,003 Americans surveyed said they eat pasta at least once a week, while a third eat it three or more times a week† (New Taste Dimensions Foods, Inc). Concluding, pasta remains highly popular food item in America because it is everything what any food item is required to be since it is cheap, tasty, and nutritious. The interesting thing about the research is that pasta pairs quite harmoniously with recession as well, which I did not know before. The Associated Press. â€Å"Forget the carbs, pasta pairs well with recession.† 21 Jan. 2009. Web. 01 Dec. 2011.

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